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Thank you for choosing to apply for the SAYFACT membership.
The SAYFACT is a region that places a high value on its diversity. We encourage applications from all qualified candidates. All applicants receive consideration and will not be discriminated against with regard to race, colour, ethnicity, religion, creed, sex, marital status, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental disabilities, or other factors. We aim to avoid any single institution being overly represented in our membership. We especially encourage women and applicants from different universities and higher educational institutes, and from diverse disciplines.


Tell us why you are passionate about becoming a member of the FACSA (100 maximum) How do you think you can contribute to FACSA: Tell us if you have any special skills – photography, interviewing, video editing, web-development, event coordination, writing, editing etc. which you are willing to share with FACSA

Write 50 words about yourself and why it is important to learn MIL in a content you are living now